Goodbye for Now 29th April 2013

The smile on your face is a lasting memory in our hearts, Nothing in this world not even life or death can keep us apart, You have always been the one we go to for advise, Whenever we are just upset, or even just a bit uptight, You always seem to know the right thing to do and say, But don’t worry you’re still the one we go to, We’ll be together again one day, We want to say thank you for being the best that you could be, You’re our confidant, our best friend, the head of our family, Now it is time that you can finally stop worrying about us, You can relax, have fun, you no longer need to fuss, We know that if we need to you, you be here by our side, We do believe that even though your not here with us, this will never be goodbye, We love you and the happiness you have given us will last a life time.